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 Post subject: DEi/BE DVDs to avoid?
PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:10 pm 
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Joined: Tue Aug 20, 2013 4:13 pm
Posts: 1488
Hi! I've been searching and many sellers on eBay, Amazon, etc. cell DEi/BE DVDs. What all were not that great and must be avoided?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 12:18 am 

Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2001 7:27 pm
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I don't think it's possible to pinpoint which titles to avoid or to get. Anything is possible. Even those distributors/ retailers that say that they have only genuine stuff, may not turn out the original versions. I've come across some such DVDs but they turned out compressed versions (4.7 GB instead of 8 GB). When I wanted to return, reply was that that's what they get from the present supplier. Then, I've also come across some that are original original discs from India-Plaza times that were Darkj Gold and really are worth Gold. But, majority of the present genuine DEI/ BEI DVDs are original code (8 GB) and on somewhat goldish media, and they do play.

Also recall, at on time majority of DEI/ BEI DVDs were on quickly rottable media. Hopefully, by now, they have been weeded out and retailers don't carry them anymore.

When you buy from e-bay or Amazon, anything is possible. I've seen many foreign films for sale at Amazon & e-bay where they clearly say that they will burn you a 4.7 GB disc, on demand. So, anything is possible.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 1:22 am 

Joined: Tue Feb 04, 2003 3:18 pm
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Ragz, I've been doing the same. I've purchased a couple of dei/eros titles from eBay recently and have a couple more on order. Of the ones that I have received, I think they are on gold(ish) media, I'll have to check, but they play fine. One of them was used, I could tell from the scratches on the disc, but I'm in no position to complain, lol. I fall in the category of those who missed out on dei titles while they were in circulation and are now trying hard to get their hands on anything they can find.

What I have realized is that you really only need to worry with the DEI titles (freezing etc) and not so much with dei/eros ones. Back in the day, even after dei changed over to bei, you could mail them your defective disc and they would send you a new working disc within a few weeks time, but now that door is shut as well it seems.

I also live in an area where there are no Indian shops nearby, so eBay and amazon are pretty much my only options, but I have found quite a few titles, so they are still out there.

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