Bollywood Films MAMTA DVD is 113 min. (I do have this DVD)
Captain Video MAMTA DVD is 150 min, as reported by other zulmies. (I don't have this DVD)
Russian MAMTA DVD is listed at 180 min. (I don't have this DVD). So far, whatever Russian DVDs I've seen from this Russian DVD site, has no errors in their description of the content. So, have to assume it's really 180 min. It's listed as NTSC. Unfortunately, Russian MAMTA DVD does not say if it has Hindi audio (most likely not) and if it has English sub-titles (Other DVDs do state English sub-t). So, have to assume Russian Mamta has no English Sub-t (I would say less than 1% chance of English sub-t). PQ wise, I'm sure it will be much better than Bollywood Films DVD and Captain Video DVD, as seen in other Russian Bollywood DVDs that I got.
Even if no Hindi Audio, at least the songs stay in Hindi. As you know, songs make up a big chunk of Bollywood Films anyway, so Russian DVD if really 180 min, should be of interest to die hard fans.
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=11438&p=105381&hilit=journey#p105381Quote: ... enresubid=Mamta (DVD NTSC)
Mamta (DVD NTSC)
DVD Region: ALL
Theatrical release: 1966
DVD release: 2007
Play time: 180 min
Genre(s): Melodrama, Hindi films
BTW, I got interested in Mamta DVD as a friend of mine wanted it. When I found it and lent it to him, he told me it did not have what he was looking for. A complete Children's/ School song that music starts but the song itself is totally cut in Bollywood Films DVDs.