Shahran Sunny Audit wrote:
After mhafner sends me a timecode example of where the frame drops I will relay this to the QC company I used in London. If it appears to be their fault for missing this I will recall these discs.
The AVC scan we used after the encoding phase didn't detect any missing frames. Its the same scan used for many Disney Blu-ray projects @ Technicolour London. This does seem bizzare (and worrying).
There are no missing frames on the disc. The problem seems to be that the disc is mastered at exactly 24fps while ~23.98 is the standard. So the data is coming a bit too fast from the disc forcing video processors and displays that strictly adhere to ~23.98 to drop a frame once in a while to stay in sync. Other equipment that is built to be more flexible may have no issues. I have dropped frames via my Lumagen Radiance and genlock on. Without genlock there are less dropped frames but still some. Direct from the PS3 into my projector may work without dropped frames. I have to watch more to be sure. Anyway, discs must be mastered exactly at 24/1.01 because that is the established standard. Anything else may or may not work with specific equipment.