Sanjay is right (previous pages of this thread). In India, Sony BMG DVDs of both the original and the dubbed versions (both R0 NTSC) were released long before any other DVD in any other country hit the market... That's a first for India
Also, there are interesting differences:
1. U.K. theatrical print of the original BAP is SHORTER!
2. U.K. theatrical print of the dubbed BBATLA is LONGER! You can check the BBFC site for proof
3. U.K. R2 DVD (Pathe! Distribution) features the shorter original-language edit BUT has the best set of extras.
4. U.S. R1 DVD also features the shorter original-language edit.
5. Australia R4 DVD is also the shorter edit.
R3 DVD has DTS!!!! This is from Asia Video (HK). It appears to be 114 minutes runtime NTSC.
7. R3 StarMax Korean DVD is 101 minutes NTSC.
8. Indian theatrical release of BBATLA is the longer (nearly 120 minutes) dubbed edit.
9. Indian SonyBMG DVD of BBATLA is the longer (118 minutes) dubbed edit. (No subtitles)
AND... Indian SonyBMG DVD of BAP is RARE... This is the longer (118 minutes) original language edit available nowhere else on earth
not even on theatrical prints... except perhaps the Indian theatrical edit of BAP. (no subtitles)
Alernate versions:
R0 India - (Sony BMG) - This is a longer edit (nearly 118 - 120 mins - NTSC). Unfortunately, this edition also includes substitutes as the word "mamma" is replaced with the word "choli" (one example). "Mamma" is slang in India for "breasts," apart from being a word for "mother," while "choli" means "blouse." The theatrical release in India used "mamma".
Can the title of this thread include the words "alternate versions)? Thx.