Predator's Mum wrote:
is there such as thing as piracy control or authority that looks at indian dvd/films piracy? seems that if piracy was such an issue then big four eros, yrf, video sound and dei suely do a joint effort to stop it
i was wondering if there exist some official body that looks atthis kind of stuff??? (and please dont say indianwatchdog)
I hate to repeat myself but the transfer source which DEI recently used for thier Kohinoor & Bees saal bad DVD's have been used for other pirated VHS versions of these flicks over the years. It's very likely DEI obtained these like any other bootlegger.
it will be a long long time before companies like DEI,YRF,Eros will pool their resources to fight piracy in western markets and hopefully along the way improve quality of their DVD's.
Edited By lakeshore on Feb. 24 2002 at 20:06