T|M wrote:
jideshc wrote:
Which one is good and best UTV or Moserbaer
I had forgotten about this DVD thread and did pick up a 2$ Moserbaer DVD some time ago. It was a 2 disc, 2nd disc for extras. Recently came across the UTV DVD as well. UTV is far better than crap Moserbaer. UTV DVD is Film to NTSC Pseudo-Prog. Moserbaer one is Film to PAL to NTSC, fully field averaged crap. Because of 4% speed up of Moserbaer, it's 5-6 min shorter run time, than the UTV version. UTV, as well as, Moserbaer have some extras. Perhaps, Moserbaer has a little more (Extras disc, including tons of adverts, is under 1 GB) in Extras.
As I have seen, except for some DVDs, Moserbaer DVDs are not as good as the original release. (MB-PEN DVDs that I have also seen on solo PEN, all are inferior to solo PEN DVDs). Moserbaer started off with Excellent Progressive DVD APNE but later on, has been churning crap, except for a few exceptions. (Some Moserbaer DVDs that they got rights from Bombino or obtained rights after Bombino ones expired, were better than the orig Bombino VHS-DVDs as they did re-master from film.)